👋 Hello, I am

Olena Barylova

Front-end developer based in Amsterdam

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Featured Project which my best projects be choice to show

Yogurt Project

Greek yogurt, also known as "strained yogurt" or "yogurt cheese," has ancient origins in Greece, where it has been made for centuries. Traditionally, Greek yogurt is prepared by straining regular yogurt to remove the whey, resulting in a thicker, creamier product.

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Weather App

Strong winds will also make firefighting efforts extremely difficult due to the ongoing blazes. Even though humidity levels will climb as temperatures dip, the ongoing windy conditions can still pose a tremendous challenge.

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Dictionary App

Different language datasets have different features, therefore some languages don't currently work well with particular endpoints. The table belows shows which work with which, and you can use the live Documentation to explore the data more closely. The Utility endpoints are also designed to provide more granular information about what is in each dataset, should you need it.

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